Smart Awards Network Operative Passport Scheme is a simple, effective mechanism for recording, tracking and evidencing the competence levels of network operatives.

What are the benefits?

  • Provides accurate and trusted information on skills and training that is instantly accessible and extractable
  • Drives efficiency and best practice – managing accredited training records
  • Provides a mechanism for validating operatives training and qualifications
  • Aids transferability of staff and minimises cost of re-training
  • Supports better, more targeted training and succession planning
  • Demonstrates commitment to effective competence management
  • Promotes a joined-up approach
  • Centralised shared platform
  • Data accessible 24/7
  • Quick and easy user interface – including ID card, Web based and smart phone accessibility
  • Robust, secure platform that is Data Protection compliant
  • Provide an compliance

What the HSE say about passport schemes

“We encourage organisations to recognise different passport schemes, if they are confident that they represent a level of health and safety awareness needed for the work being carried out. This can help reduce the burden on businesses and people who operate in more than one work environment”.